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Be Strong

上手く笑えなくてもいいさ 今を受け止められないのは君だけじゃないから

だから涙を拭いてよ 少しずつでも 前向いて進もう [You can be strong!!]



分かってる事だらけさ 簡単な事なのに 素直に出来なくて

でも大人になるにつれて僕等は何かを失って 嫌でも何かを得て


Time slipped away, and you grew up now. So you can face forward.


Be strong. Be Strong.


You can be strong.’Cuz you got over a difficulty again and again. So you can be strong.

[You can be strong]



少しずつ進んできたんだ だから今此処に立ってる 此処にいるんだよ


So believe yourself. You have many important things.

So believe yourself. You can do everything.

Don’t lose yourself. You have many important things.

Don’t lose yourself. Believe yourself. Keep going forward.


大事にしてきたもの 大切にしてるもの 辛くなった時はもう一度強く心に抱きしめて

上手く笑えなくてもいいさ 今を受け止められないのは君だけじゃないから

だから涙を拭いてよ 少しずつでも


Be strong. Be Strong.


You can be strong.’Cuz you got over a difficulty again and again. So you can be strong.





大切に積み重ねれば 描いてた景色が見えてくるから ねぇ It’s up to you.



愛や夢だとかキレイ事だとかどれだけ馬鹿にされたって I believe in myself.



気休めにでもほんの少しでも立ち上がる勇気を与えたいのさ 僕が救われたように





So I’m on your side!!


Keep on believing your self.

I just wanna tell you what I believe. Even if it’s something invisible.

I believe myself.





愛や夢だとかキレイ事だとかどれだけ馬鹿にされたって I believe in myself.So believe in yourself!!

Go ahead!!

闇雲に日常に何かを求めて 答えは見つからず傷ついた君

僕が光になるから Take my hand!!


忙しい日々の流れには ため息をつく暇も無くて

繰り返しの生活は 退屈な事や面倒な事ばかりで



Go ahead!! 怖がらずもう一度立ち向かって

All right!! 君を連れてくから ここから先へ

We have to reach our destination. So get up again and again.

I will take you to your goal. There is a ray of hope.

Who is the savior?? I’ll be the one. So take my hand!!



過ぎ去った時を悔やむほど 時間がないことに気づいたんだ



Go ahead!! 回り道に見えたって無駄なんてないから

All right!! 時には立ち止まってもまた進めばいい

We have to reach our destination. So get up again and again.

I will take you to your goal. There is a ray of hope.

Who is the savior?? I’ll be the one. So take my hand!!


生きてくことに疲れて 息を止めたこともあったな

でもまだ生きなくちゃって まだやるべきことがあるって

もう一度息を吸って また僕は立ち上がった




Go ahead!! 怖がらずもう一度立ち向かって

All right!! 君を連れてくから ここから先へ

We have to reach our destination. So get up again and again.

I will take you to your goal. There is a ray of hope.

Who is the savior?? I’ll be the one. So take my hand!!

Without you



I want to say I’m sorry for making your feel lonely.

Can you hear me? Can you forgive me?


Tell me why you have left me. Tell me how to live without you.

I can’t stand it anymore.

思い返せば僕の隣にはいつも君がいたんだ But you’re not here.




I want to say I’m sorry for making your feel lonely.

Can you hear me? Can you forgive me?


Tell me why you have left me. Tell me how to live without you.

I can’t stand it anymore.


I don’t know. You’re not here!! now!!


Tell me why you have left me. Tell me how to live without you.

I can’t stand it anymore.


But you’re not here now. Can you forgive me? I just want to say I’m sorry.


一つの真実を隠すために 小さな嘘を積み重ねて

本当の君は見えなくなって 僕が知っていた君は何処へ


I want to see your real feeling. But I don’t know what to do. 

Tell me how to fix you.


今じゃ近づけば近づく程 僕を傷つけるから


I love you が I hate you に変わってしまったんだ

Lies make us crazy


些細なことだったのに You’re a fuck’n liar!!


本当の君が知りたいだけなの 僕も積み重ねればそこに行ける?

そうやって互いに傷つけ合って 僕も僕を見失いそうだよ


I want to see your real feeling. But I don’t know what to do. 

Tell me how to fix me.


今じゃ近づけば近づく程 君も傷つけるから


You love me が You hate me に変わってしまったんだ

Lies make us crazy

どこまで僕等は 歩み戻ればあの頃に帰れる?


What for? What did you do that for? Lies make us crazy!

Liar!What did you do that for? Lies make us crazy!

What for? What did you do that for? Lies make us crazy!

Liar!What did you do that for? Lies make us crazy!

You’re a fuck’n liar!!


I couldn’t accept the truth. So always you lie,but...


I love you が I hate you に変わってしまったんだ

Lies make us crazy


些細なことだったのに You’re a fuck’n liar!!

You’re a liar.

Carry on


進むために 歩むために どれだけ傷ついたって We carry on.


報われずに 踏みにじられた願いも It’s still indelible.


Nobody can stop us until dreams come true.


Inside of me, loneliness, despair, desolation.

They close to death. But break down them!!

Break down the darkness of my mind!!

Break down them!! Never look back!!


Follow me! Follow me! You and I can get over crisis.

We will stand up again and again!!

Try again! Stand up! It’s time to go. Are you ready? Yeah!

Let’s go! Keep going forward!


Follow me! Follow me! You and I can get over crisis.

We will stand up again and again!!

Try again! Stand up! It’s time to go. Are you ready? Yeah!

Let’s go! Keep going forward!

Nobody can know my pain

Thank you but shut up!!


I’m all alone. I try to smile to show I care.But everyone can see through my stare.

This is not the best way to live.I know.But I don’t know what to do or where to go.

[Can you see inside? Tell me something!!]


What should I do? I’m lost inside my head. How do I go on? I don’t even know where to start.


Nobody can understand how I feel. Nobody can know my pain.

僕も知らない 君も知らない 誰も知らない それでも今は続いてくから

I’m fighting to survive. Everyday goes harder.[Everyday goes harder.]


This is not the best way to live.I know.But I don’t know what to do or where to go.

[Can you see inside? Tell me something!!]


What should I do? I’m lost inside my head. How do I go on? I don’t even know where to start.


Nobody can understand how I feel. Nobody can know my pain.

僕も知らない 君も知らない 誰も知らない それでも今は続いてくから

I’m fighting to survive. Everyday goes harder.


Sometimes I want to end it all. The fear of death keeps me alive.


Nobody can understand how I feel. Nobody can know my pain.

僕も知らない 君も知らない 誰も知らない それでも今は続いてくから

I’m fighting to survive. Everyday goes harder.[Everyday goes harder.]

Finding A Way​

There are always many problems between us.But it’s obvious that worrying about it’s obvious,too.

Thinking too much disturbs moving on again and again. Even so we have to figure it out.


Things may be hard now, but we believe that keep trying and we’ll find a way out.[Finding a way out!]

I just want to walk together with you.[I believe in you.]


Trust me.Nothing else is needed.[Nothing else is needed.]

Trust me.Before the act of worrying about living.


We have to change in order to overcome it.

Don’t think that what am I living for and all for what? Nobody can find the answer yet.



きっと僕等で創り上げてく物で 一人で抱え込まないで

[Nobody can do it! You’re not alone! Find a way out with me!]


Things may be hard now, but we believe that keep trying and we’ll find a way out.[I believe in you.]


Trust me.Nothing else is needed.[Nothing else is needed.]

Trust me.Before the act of worrying about living.


We have to change in order to overcome it.

Don’t think that what am I living for and all for what? Nobody can find the answer yet.

Nobody can do it.You’re not alone.Find a way out with me.

No Escape

We are forced to live in this world
Though there are those who refuse to.
Waiting for death

not knowing what to do

Ignoring the answer inside.

We all demand freedom.
A freedom we live our lives

 struggling to find.

While it lies

 buried in our hands.

There is no escape, believe in yourself.
Look inside and find your own way.


すでにどこかで拾ってきたはず ここから逃げたってどうしようもないのは


What you are looking for is always inside of you.
So treasure yourself.

What you are looking for is always inside of you.
So treasure yourself.
Because only you can make yourself happy.

Cherish your life.
No one can take your place in the world.

Accept your portion in life.

Hold yourself up and don't look back.

There is no escape, believe in yourself.
Look inside and find your own way.
There is no escape, believe in yourself.
Accept your portion in life.

Hold yourself up and don't look back.

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